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الاثنين، 7 أبريل 2014

5 Secrets To Keep your Teeth Healthy

5 Secrets To Keep Your Teeth Health
Today we will talk about something that is very important … how to keep your teeth healthy …. No caries …. No cavitation… No inflammation in the gum (gingiva)

There are 5 golden rules if you followed them you will protect your teeth by 90% or more.

1 – Brushing your teeth:

Brushing teeth is very important because it remove food debris that make the gum inflamed and the teeth got deminiralized  (Lose their Calcium Content)
Food Debris form something that’s called plaque which is like a greasy layer on the teeth that prevent repair (return of calcium) of the teeth and thus cavitation happens but many people say “We brush our teeth 3 times a day and they still cavitated”. So here are some brushing tips
-              Use your brush as a broom sweep gently in one direction from the gum to the tip of the tooth
-              Don’t use much toothpaste just very small quantity or it will harm your teeth … if you want the best … use regular soap!! I’m serious it’s the best
-              Avoid Using hard dental brush … use medium or soft ones.

2 – Types of food:

There are 2 types of food … foods that destroy your teeth and others that protect your teeth!!
-              Dangerous Food Types:
 Their great Devil is beverages that contains Soda (specially black ones containing Cola) these drinks contains acids that dissolve calcium in your teeth --à direct caries in addition their high sugar content so they are a destructive formula for your teeth.
Others such as high sugar content food types and sticky ones
-              Friendly Food Types:
All fibrous fresh food such as cucumber, carrots, radish ….. all of  these types work as natural tooth brushes due to their fibrous content
Milk and calcium containing food .. it provide our body with calcium needed to repair our teeth

3 – Dietary timetable:

Teeth want 2 – 3 hours after each meal in order to make self repair or self maintenance and get the lost calcium … and every thing contains sugar or protein considered meal even if it was just a cup of tea.

So what we need is to give our teeth 2 – 3 hour break after each meal only we can take water or sugar free diet (I mean it SUGAR FREE)by the way this is a good method to decrease to get your weight decreased or at least won't be overweight :)
N.B. This is  the most reason for dental caries so take it serious

4 – Dental Caries is Bacterial Infection:

Yes it is , just like other diseases so take care when taking new drugs such as antibiotics …. When your immunity is compromised due to common cold for example … exhaustion … etc.. in these conditions you have to take care more about your teeth by brushing
N.B. Avoid using other people objects that can transfer infection to your mouth!!

5 – Genetic Problems:

Including problems in teeth calcium content, crowded teeth …etc. In case you have some of these problems just do regular inspection even by your self for any strange appearance and directly go to your dentist and it will be treated soo early as if it didn’t happen

Finally if you followed these regulations you will have health teeth most of time and less visits to the dentist or just visits to regular checkups
Glad to answer any of your questions

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