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الاثنين، 7 أبريل 2014

Teeth names and functions

Simple Introduction About Teeth

Teeth are very precious Gift we may not know its value until we lose  one or get it cavitated, fractured, or loosened ... Let's now take an overview over our teeth and know who are they .... what are their names!!!!!
As we see in the image every Tooth or group of teeth have special name .... but let's know first that our mouth is divided into 4 quadrants every 2 adjacent are mirrored the upper jaw is divided into 2 mirrored halves and the lower jaw also divided into 2 mirored halves so we get 4 quadrants every one contains 8 teeth
Let's Know them


   They are 8 in number .....4 upper & 4 lower ... 2 in each quadrant  their functions are
                 - Cutting food into bites such as (sandwiches, fruits)
                 - Important for pronunciation of certain letters
                 - And of course ....... Biting :) for self defense and while having fun :):)


     They are 4 ... 1 in each quadrant their function is to tear the previously taken bite in addition  they are very important for giving the face its special shape by supporting the lip also the canine have a very strong and long root that can help me support some appliances if found


As for their name ... they take the teared bite and begin to prepare it for being crushed and ground down by the molars they are 8 in number 2 in each quadrant 


These are our GURUS they are 12 in number 3 in each quadrant their mission is to crush down the bite until we are able to swallow it 

Yeeeeeaaaah Finally our bite finished this long journey 
From this point we can know that missing any of our teeth can lead to
1 - dyspepsia ( inability to digest food well)
   2 - strange pronunciation of some letters
3 - changes in our face shape (not to the better) 
At the End of this mini article I promise to post more and more about our precious valuable teeth and how to take care of them

Waiting for your comments and will be pleased to answer any of your questions 

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